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The City of Beijing is actually governed as a municipality. For all you know, the People’s Government of Beijing Municipality will be hosting the China Open 2009 from October 2 to 11 at National Tennis Center. Since its start in 2004, China Open has been held for 5 consecutive years. As a major sporting event, one would ask what connection does the environment in Beijing offer to visitors from all over the world. To get a scenario of what to expect, let us recount a first-hand experience of a friend's visit to Beijing during the 2008 Olympics
The daily weather in Beijing is referred to as being “overcast” with a one to two kilometer thick by several hundred kilometer wide pall of smog. You hardly see the tops of buildings, or clearly across the wide boulevards. You can feel the smog on your skin, in your nostrils and taste it in your mouth. A haze usually hangs over the city for the early part of the day. Anyone with breathing or respiratory problems must have a hard time with it. Or you better not come.The temperature is rather warm. At street level with the crowds, the temperature must be about 95 F. Everyone is sweaty, and when greetings are exchanged, the hugs and handshakes are slick.PeopleThe people of Beijing are wonderful. They are promptly hospitable, friendly and helpful. They love to have pictures with foreigners for posterity perhaps.. Everyone you’d have any interaction with would bring you joy from to waiters to taxi drivers. Just get prepared to be swarmed and run over on the sidewalks. There are literally hundreds of thousands of others, men, women and children, sharing the sidewalks and boulevards with you, but they move deftly around you. There is no rudeness or pushiness. Yes, they are among the friendliest people in the world.
It will really surprise you and impress you mainly with the people and the energy you’d feel from the people. They're just pretty happy people and a great sense of humor and they really are welcoming the world there and that's what you’d feel like. They're really fun people. They're really serious and really intense and you have to be also to get ahead and to be competitive in anything with 1.3 billion people. But they also have a really funny side and you’d see just how proud these people are.FoodAt a Chinese restaurant you’d be served very large dishes of fresh, hot steaming food, plus a couple of large beers and sodas worth a whopping 137 yuan ($23) – that’s for eight people. And no tips for such gracious and prompt service.Speaking of sense of humor, there was some pretty good Chinglish on the menu when you’d go to a restaurant to enjoy a traditional Chinese hot pot. Among the items was "obese beef," "aftertaste sausage," and "cube roll of moo cow." Doesn't matter what they call it; it was awesome.There would always be a 24-hour lounge somewhere where those working on the 24-hour clock could stay and relax with a cold beverage whenever the day is done. Here’s an account from a pal:As I’m picking up a tray or two for the crowd, I need to ask the comely young barkeep how late the joint may be open, trying to figure out how early I’d have to get there. She goes, confers with some supervisor ‘cause I don’t think she quite understands my English and comes back to report: "Sir, we are open all the hours.” A local with some knowledge of the place looks at me like I’ve got three heads and says, “Don’t worry, you can smoke in restaurants here. I think you can smoke in hospitals if you want.”Streets & TravelHutongs are the narrow streets or alleys that are formed by the traditional courtyard residences all over Beijing. The neighborhoods where these alley ways exist are usually referred to as hutongs.You’d have a lot of offers from the bicycle rickshaw drivers to take you around, but you can stay on foot and maybe much more exciting.Taxi cab service, so far, needs a serious upgrade. The drivers seem to be from anywhere except this city, for some reason, and don’t know their way around town, or how to find anything. Sometimes a cab driver misses the mark, but still does you a favor.Even when they’re lost and clueless, though, the drivers are polite and friendly and provide stories for the telling. If you miss the mark a mile away, a local would insist on escorting you for a walk of the entire distance and he wouldn’t even accept beer money in return. What a walk, though. But you could have beautiful grounds, with lakes, giant trees, gardens, temples, fine old buildings, groups of people doing the Tai Chi thing on flawless green lawns. Well, if you get on the right place…You see a lot of things in the first class lounges of various train stations and airports – not that I go there very often in these budget-conscious times. Things like famous people sometimes. Free food. The odd drink. Comfortable chairs. And, apparently, bugs. Big, stinking scorpion-like bugs. Sports Links :
Mizuno, Calvin Klein, Nike, Moschino, Adidas, Puma, Converse, Dickies, Skecher, DKNY, Emerica, Kayland, Miss Sixty, Umi Kids, Tommy, Wee Box, Onex, Olukai, FlyFlot, Fratelli, Gravati, Daniel Green, Jumping Jack, Yellow Box, Nine West, Tatami, Coclico, , Via Spiga, Naturalizer, Ecco Golf
Naked Pinay Views, Friendly Remarks , Money Talks , Marc Nand's Blog , Nodding Nanding's Journal, Amusing Disclosure , Cyber Tweaks , PC Operatis , Bytamin I , Cool Gizmodgets , Online Shopster ![Reblog this post [with Zemanta]](
I have one Filipino blogger friend who contacted me and requested me to comment on his decision to fly to London and take his masteral studies in tourism there. He's an English instructor at a state university in his province and he is working on her student-visa application at the British Embassy in Manila. He just wanted a review or maybe an edit of his responses to three questionnaire items in his visa application. His responses are posted below. Please read through them because I am reserving some questions that I myself haven't yet settled.WHY DID YOU SELECT YOUR PROPOSED COURSE AND HOW DID YOU FIND OUT ABOUT IT? My work experiences (as an English Instructor, Coordinator for Cultural/External Affairs, Co-Adviser of the School Publication, Coordinator of Sports/recreational Program, Adviser of Student Council, Service Staff for Marketing Services in a fast-food chain, Head Waiter with managerial and supervisory functions in a resort hotel, photographer/camera man for a foto-video shop, and my recent involvement in internet marketing) all add up to my emergent desire to broaden my knowledge and enhance my readiness to handle higher level tasks on business promotion, entrepreneurial management and tourism. As coordinator/adviser of various committees, I have somehow engaged myself on problem-solving and analysis. As an English instructor and school publication adviser, I have developed self-confidence and effective communication. As a former student leader covering all the four(?) campuses of Pangasinan State University, I have had a foretaste of exercising managerial leadership and responsibility. As a webmaster and blogger, I have considerably immersed myself into the IT/Internet realm which exposed me to the exciting and rewarding world of promotion, marketing and travel. Recently, I have learned that these preparations could be strengthened or enhanced for effective managerial leadership in the tourism and hospitality industry. But much more than this conceptual premise is the realization that further training, studies and research along this line are better attained on internationally-established tourist destinations and highly-urbanized marketing and fashion hub such as in Europe or specifically in London. Then I heard about Harrow International Business School from a friend who is presently studying there. I browsed across the school’s website and was even more convinced to pursue my studies there. My persistence brought me before Harrow’s Dean of Hospitality Studies (?) who affirmed my passion and advised me to really chase my dream with the course MBA in International Hospitality and Tourism Management. WHAT SPECIFIC BENEFITS WILL THIS COURSE BRING YOU? The Philippines has been building up its image as a major tourist destination for people around the world, and the prospect in this sector is promising. Tourism-related courses in most local schools and universities popularly draw a big slice of students’ population in the country. I believe that my MBA course from a London-based university like Harrow will give me a wide competitive edge in terms of high quality training, relevant knowledge and unparalleled exposure to the international tourism industry, Europe-based at that. This edge would come in terms of my future employment (locally or abroad) in higher-level or managerial/supervisory positions, my consequent entrepreneurial effectiveness in successfully managing my own business, and that quenching fulfillment for my passion for greater wisdom in life as an educator, as an online advertiser, and hopefully as a businessman. The offshoot of improving my language proficiency in an English-speaking country and that unique educational experience on service, promotion and marketing – related course such as in Hospitality and Tourism management, also bring greater benefits.HAVE YOU STUDIED ANY RELATIVE COURSE, IF SO WHAT? WHAT DOCUMENTS HAVE YOU PRODUCED TO DEMONSTRATE THIS?I In my Bachelor of Secondary Education degree, major in English, I learned how to efficiently manage and convince people, how to communicate or market effectively my message, how to lead and take responsibility, how to develop and condition minds, etc. which are all necessary player qualifications in the hospitality and tourism business. I believe that my Bachelor’s degree in Secondary Education attaches indubitable relevance to my choice of MBA in International Hospitality and Business Management. Both courses somehow tackle human services and management. My transcript of records and Diploma shall demonstrate the connection. Every idea or concept belongs to a traversable network of entwined philosophies, experiences, analogies and intentions. Every motive and model is relevant to a certain degree. But do you see a direct connection between teaching profession and a career in the tourism business. You bet you do. It's not difficult to trace a connection, I did too. But are you convinced? Honestly? Please guide me through...
Sponsor Links :
Mizuno, Calvin Klein, Nike, Moschino, Adidas, Puma, Converse, Dickies, Skecher, DKNY, Emerica, Kayland, Miss Sixty, Umi Kids, Tommy, Wee Box, Onex, Olukai, FlyFlot, Fratelli, Gravati, Daniel Green, Jumping Jack, Yellow Box, Nine West, Tatami, Coclico, , Via Spiga, Naturalizer, Ecco Golf
Naked Pinay Views, Friendly Remarks , Money Talks , Marc Nand's Blog , Nodding Nanding's Journal, Amusing Disclosure , Cyber Tweaks , PC Operatis , Bytamin I , Cool Gizmodgets , Online Shopster ![Reblog this post [with Zemanta]](