Monday, February 25, 2008

Deeper Questions Of Identity And Fake Identity

What is an identity, let alone a fake identity? Most people would agree that an identity is something that you use to describe yourself to others who do not know you. Indeed, an identity card does exactly that, by certifying your personal information, such as name, age, height, weight, qualifications, job, associations, etc.

If an identity is something you use to communicate your status and personal information to others, then by definition a fake id is something you use in an attempt to create a non-existent description of yourself to those that do not know you (or do not know you well enough).

Whereas an identification card is a legal document, a fake id (if used inappropriately) is an illegal document that falsifies your status and position. However, when you think about it more deeply, an identity is not only something you use to tell others about yourself, it is also something other people use to identify you. Suppose you don't have a degree in computer science or art, but you create a brilliant piece of software or an amazing piece of artwork.

Is it reasonable then for someone then to think that you are a computer programmer, or that you are an artist? Or perhaps you are a great sportmen, but you choose not to participate in professional sports, instead deciding to participate at an amateur level?

The truth of the matter is, when someone really knows you, they don't need an id to be able to tell who you are and what you can do. In this world that we live in, with its crazy pace and the million and one things we have to get through each day, there is simply no time for us to get to know anyone well enough. This is why we need the ids, because we do not have time to see someone for who they are, and for them to show us what they can do.

A computer programmer is someone who can write software, and an artist is someone who can create artworks. Someone who has an identification card that says they are a software engineer for Microsoft doesn't necessarily mean that they are good programmer, or that they can program software at all (although there is a good chance of that). There are people who are terrific at certain things, but they don't need other people's stamp of approval (or certification). They only worry about whether they can get the job done or not, not if they are qualified to do it or not.

Regardless if it is a real id or fake id, you know who you are, and you should only choose to associate with people who take you for who you are, and not a piece of documentation that claim who you are.

Making Lineage 2 Adena

Everyone needs Lineage 2 Adena to buy items, training and whatever other purposes they may have. Farming Adena isn't easy, especially if you need lots of them. Almost everything you do requires Adena. Here are some simple tips that will add some Adenas to your pocket.

When you're out hunting mobs I usually would go solo. If you're decently geared and are able to kill stuff then I would stay soloing. Having an ally in group can slow things down when they afk, die or whatever the possiblities may be. You should target green or blue con mobs. Nothing too difficult because it may cause you alot of downtime. If you're a caster, preserve as much power as possible and if you're a tank preferve your health. Areas with less players and more mobs are ideal spots. Do not use any soulshots, can cost alot of money and it'll add up. However, I would suggest keeping a few around incase of danger.

Gather as many quests as you can. If you're on the road and a quest is conveniently nearby then you may as well complete it. You can gain extra experience, adena or items. I would suggest any quest that gives alot of adena or valuable items. Even quests that involves killing alot of monsters are good. It'll help you level while you are farming for adena. Avoid taking long routes to places unless they have alot of mobs for you to kill.

There are many mobs that drops good items and valuables. Some mobs have good drop rates versus others. Always try to farming the ones with good loot and adena over another that doesn't drop anything. Killing better mobs can help add to your adena fund.

Avoid buying items from NPC merchants when and if possible. Player crafters in the game usually always charge less than the average NPC. Do not always sell off everything you loot to a NPC, there are many crafters that are looking for what you may have. Your junk may be a treasure to them. Players usually always buy at rates higher than what the NPC has to offer. You may also want to setup your own store and sell off the items there. If you're the type of person that usually leaves their computer on at night when you sleep then it would be a good idea to leave the game running with a store opened. Avoid selling more than 3 items of the same time and set prices 5-10% below NPC price and you're good to go.

Arrows, healing potions and soulshots are common items that players will always buy. It's usually a good idea to carry extra of those around if you have room. While traveling players may run out of goods and will need to stock up, you can take advantage of the situation and sell them your extras.

Making Realistic Fake Ids Legally

When you order a fake ID, there is a lot of information you need to include to make it realistic. First, and most important, is the picture. What you do exactly will depend on what your goals are with the fake ID. If you want a realistic ID with a picture of you, then you should look at other real IDs that have been issued in your area. Look at the picture, paying attention to the lighting and the background.

Try to emulate this as best you can, and get a high quality picture with your digital camera. You can then upload it to the fake ID web site, and have that picture printed on the ID. You should definitely pay a lot of attention to this, since if it is too bright or looks wrong in any way, the ID will not be very convincing.

You'll have the option of which region's ID type you want. All states have different layouts and designs on the IDs, which makes it harder for people who want to use fake IDs for mischievous purposes. Again, you should find a legitimate ID from your state, and observe the pattern. Then, look your state up on whatever site you are on, and you should see an example. Make sure that it matches up with the ID that you have, just in case the layout has changed recently. There might be other security features offered by the web site, such as holograms. These lend more credibility to the fake ID that you receive.

Next you have to enter all of the information you want to show up as text on the ID. This includes the ID Number, which you could take from a previously assigned official ID, if that is legal in your area. Other information includes your name, your address, your date of birth, and your physical features. If you want people to believe that your name is something different, then this is where you enter it to show up on your fake ID. If you want people to think you are older, the same applies. It is VERY important that you comply with all laws when modifying your age on your ID. This is where most people get into troubles with fake Ids. You can set any of the fields to whatever you want, depending on your objective with the fake ID.

Fake IDs are good fun, as long as you use them responsibly. Make sure to never imply that your ID is representative of, or issued by, the government. As long as you follow the laws, you should keep out of trouble.

Fake IDs: Fun And Useful Toys

Fake IDs can be fun and useful toys, if used correctly. You can use them to play all sorts of practical jokes, and generally have a good time. As long as you don't attempt to use them to fake an older age, you can usually avoid legal trouble. Laws can vary based on your locality, though, and it is your responsibility to learn and obey the laws in your area. If you break a law with your fake ID, the penalties can be very severe, especially if drugs, under-age driving, etc, are involved. So always be careful to fully comply with all laws that apply to fake IDs.

However, if you want to find a fake ID, you need to keep a few things in mind when finding a manufacturer to buy from. In order to get the best and most realistic looking fake ID, you should pay attention to these factors. There are many stores online that sell fake IDs, and usually you can check beforehand if they are the sort of IDs that you want.

First, you should check for the kinds of fake IDs they offer. Usually they will have many different templates to choose from, which you will place your picture and information on.

Next, you should find a consumer report about the web site, to see if they mark their IDs in any way. Lots of online fake ID sites fear legal trouble, so they put their logo on IDs, or watermarks. If you're trying to pull a practical joke with your fake ID, this will completely spoil whatever illusion you create.

Sometimes the site will not make it clear whether they do this or not, so search on the internet to find blogs or personal reports from people who have bought IDs from that site. If you find a lot of angry and disgruntled people, then it's probably safe to say that you should try a different site.

A simple internet search will yield countless results for fake ID web sites, so even if you don't find a perfect one right away, don't be discouraged. With hundreds of different sites offering hundreds of different designs, you'll surely find something that would pass for an ID in your region. Just use your fake ID responsibly, and don't get into any trouble with it. It's very important that you always check on and obey the laws in your area concerning fake ids.

Looking Back on Virgin Islands History

Christopher Columbus discovered the U.S. Virgin Islands the year after he discovered the mainland, 1493. Possession all USVI real estate and the dominion of the area first went to the British, and then the Dutch, the French, the Spanish, the Knights of Malta and then the Danes. The United States purchased the Virgin Islands in the middle of World War one, for a payment of $25 million.

If you are arguing a move to the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) or at St. Thomas real estate or other VI islands, you may first want to learn something about the Caribbean culture. Nearby Blackbeard's Castle is a historic slice of Caribbean culture as well. It hovers over the small town, as it has since the 17th century. Once a bastioned castle called Skytsborg, it is today home to a hotel and restaurant.

The unique Caribbean culture of the USVI is composed of the heritage of its former inhabitants. Early USVI property owners included those from West Africa, Denmark, Spain, Ireland, Poland and Germany, as far back as the end of the 15th century. A large part of the Caribbean culture is reverberated in the USVI music. Here you will be plunged in cariso, calypso, reggae, soca and steel pan songs and melodies. Art is rampant in the local flavor of its drawings, paintings, photography and sculpture. Camille Pissarro, a noted Impressionist painter was but one of the achieved artists who owned property on St. Thomas and other USVI islands.

You will get a great look at Caribbean culture at the numerous festivities. On St. Croix Island there is a festivity called the Three Kings' Day, St. John's Island is the home of the USVI Fourth of July celebrations, and on St. Thomas Island is the yearly Carnival. There are tons of other celebrations annually which reflect the area's Caribbean culture.

The story behind the Caribbean owners of St. Thomas property is engulfed in Caribbean history including the Pirates of the Seas and is best found at the island's historic Fort Christian national landmark. The oldest structure on the islands, Fort Christian is in the town of Charlotte Amalie. Here you can visit the Virgin Islands Museum and research the memorabilia of early islanders. The Fort Christian Market Square has been a bustling market since the 1700's. While food and other goods are sold there now, its first sales were of slaves. Emancipation Garden is near Market Square. It is named for Governor Peter von Scholten's 1848 emancipation of the slaves. The oldest tabernacle in the U.S. that has persisted in continuous use is on St.Thomas as well.

Additional interesting views of Caribbean culture can be found at Crown House on St. Thomas Government Hill. Still elegant, it was the home of the harbormaster and governor general of the West Indies when Denmark ruled the area. Seven Arches Museum, an additional bit of local Danish history, is a completely restored circa 1700 home, complete with slave billets. Owning St. Thomas property is clearly having a slice of history in a land engrossed in Caribbean culture.

Caribbean Culture on St. Croix

On St. Croix you can still see 54 sugar mills, each with its towers and windmills and the chimneys of its factories looming over the magnificent homes of the 1700s and 1800s. St. Croix is famous for top notch recreation and gorgeous beaches. Rum and sugar shaped the Caribbean culture and lifestyle here from the time five centuries ago when Christopher Columbus first landed.

Estate Whim Plantation on the island's west end is a popular piece of the island's history and Caribbean culture. Called a great house, the plantation has many acres of green and rolling hills, on which not only sugar cane but cabbage, corn and okra grew in abundance. Sugar was the primary product however and as its prominence as a household staple decreased and people turned more and more to substitutes the plantations died out after the 1960's.

Also on the west end is historic Fort Frederik, home of the only lighthouse on St. Croix. Built at the end of the 19th century, the Fort Frederik lighthouse overlooks the Frederiksted port from the Ham's Bluff cliffs.

Now tourism is the primary industry on this historic piece of USVI real estate known as St. Croix Island. The island's Heritage Trail takes visitors the entire length of the 28 mile St. Croix. Walking or biking its path you can view several cultural landmarks, historic attractions and scenic overlooks. A trail map indicates various road signs and is designed as a superb self guided visitor driving, walking or biking tour.

The two main towns on the island are Frederiksted and Christiansted. Thriving commercial ports in 1700s and 1800s, the architecture tells the story of its changeable history. Here you'll see flags and real estate whose looks are sometimes Spanish, sometimes Dutch, often British or American, but also might have the look and design of the French, Knights of Malta or Danes.

As each USVI island has its own variation on Caribbean culture, no decision on USVI real estate would be complete without a look at St. Croix.

For those enamored of snorkeling and underwater beauty, there is no better piece of USVI real estate than the St. Croix island's Buck Island National Reef Monument. This fabulous 880-acre nature preserve includes a magnificent underwater trail for snorkeling. One of the most popular tourist spots on all of the U.S. Virgin Islands, visitors take the ferry to the tiny island one mile from St. Croix. Here they can revel in a stunning display of coral and various sea creatures that are a natural part of the local Caribbean culture.

There's almost no end to the fun and interesting activities that can be found on St. Croix island. Besides the swimming, sun bathing, snorkeling, boating and scuba diving you can enjoy on its gorgeous white sand beaches, and the historical tours of early Caribbean culture, you can as well enjoy shopping, fine dining, games of chance at the local casino, golfing and horseback riding.

The Law of Attraction and New Thought Theories

The new thought movement which took place under the aegis of theoreticians like Ernest Holmes spoke in favor of a value-based social structure, where an individual would be at the seat of power. The movement was for rational thinking and a rational attitude to life and negation of concepts like magic or reincarnation. The theory supposed that ones rewards in life is directly related to ones contributions towards the fulfillment of your mission. The theory, like the law of attraction works on methods such as developing a positive outlook, meditation, reaffirmation and affirmative prayer. All the methods suggested by the new thought movement and the law of attraction are aimed at making an individual conscious of their powers and helping to making their dreams come to fruition by the rightful application of positive energy.

The law of attraction is a school of thought that states that a persons thought process, emotions and attitude influence their life. The theory explains that we are capable of bringing about remarkable changes in our lives, through effective thought management and rightful utilization of our positive energies. The law of attraction also supposes that strong adherence to an optimistic way of thinking can also help one to overcome negative situations in life.

The law of attraction is often closely associated with new thought theories and the two are similar in a number of ways. The new thought theory refers to are a set of religious ideas that emerged under Phineas Parkhurst Quimby in the United States towards late 19th century. The theory is inspired by Transcendentalist philosophy and the believers preach monism and use of affirmative prayers and thoughts for the fulfillment of their ends. The theory operates on a scientific way of thinking focusing upon positive thought and belief in individual abilities. Both law of attraction and new thought theories agree upon the power of mind in creating reality.

The new thought theory like the law of attraction places the individual above society and goes a little further by speaking in favor of a value-based society where the individual mind is the driving force behind all activities.

The law of attraction parallels new thought theory by speaking in favor of positive thinking and mental integrity. Positive thinking leads one to take a positive attitude towards life and this is reflected in changed circumstances. He who chalks out the pros and cons of every situation is able to make the best even out of an unpromising condition. The ability to learn from failures by adapting a positive mental attitude helps overcome drawbacks by turning them into strengths. Positive thinking, which is one of the chief principles of both the theory and law of attraction, also underlines the importance of a strong mental integrity.

Mental integrity or unity of thought, in the light of the theory implies a feeling of confidence and belief for ones thought. The law of attraction and the new thought theory both suggest we should have a full understanding of our wants, the ends we wish to achieve and the means to accomplish it. Thus, the it is in harmony with the law of attraction, and is in favor of self analysis and examination along with transparency of thought and action.

The goal or the end, according to the law of attraction is aimed at bringing about our maximum happiness by employing our mental powers. The new thought theory, on the other hand, transcends to universal goodness which implies that individual contribution leads to the fulfillment of a cosmic end. This again points out those collective efforts, which is a combined work of all individual leads the accomplishment of a mission, which may seem impossible to attain otherwise. Thus, the theory, which is a commonly association with the law of attraction, is similar to it in a number of ways and is also an extension of the latter.

How to Achieve That Dream Home Loan

You've been planning to purchase a home of your own for a long time now, but availing yourself of a home mortgage is the last idea on your mind. And so you wait forever until you have set aside enough to buy it in cash while you live miserably in your crappy apartment. The apprehension to obtain a home mortgage is understandable. I understand how disappointing it is to be asked to pay for mortgage fees that we could hardly afford. Yet you also have to bear in mind that with the correct home mortgage lender, you both could work out what the great alternatives for you are. Home mortgage lending fees vary. Not all of them are sky-high. You merely have to learn how and where to obtain them.

Before you decide to scout and look for a lender, analyze your finances first. Know your paying capacity. Deduct your periodic monthly costs from your consolidated monthly household income and you obtain the actual amount that you could afford for your monthly loan. When you have fantastic credit history, you will most likely qualify for the lowest mortgage fees there is. Nevertheless, when you are in a poor credit rating, you may benefit from other choices such as a no money down home loan or a protected home equity mortgage. Particular lenders also give home mortgages for women with poor credit. It is best to learn the available choices for you and then seek tip from a professional on which one could work excellently for you.

Also, it is a lovely concept to have an approximation of how much you are going to be paying every month for a specific unit by availing of a free mortgage quote online. Get as much mortgage quotes and related information as you could. Get educated on the ins and outs of home mortgage lending. When you are equipped with the appropriate info, you are less likely to be conned by mortgage sharks who are merely out to get you. There are several of them around, so do me a favor and be on the lookout for them. Or at least be prepared must they try to deceive you into their trap.

Loan standards vary from state to state. California mortgage lenders could process a mortgage application unlike from a Florida mortgage lender. Thus, skim on mortgage regulations on the state where you are thinking planning to own your home. The federal mortgage laws can be similar, but how each state perform things will vary. This will prevent confusion as wella s conflicts along the way.

So you've analyzed your budget, your credit history has been restored, or at least you've studied your choices, and you discover you could afford a mortgage loan. You got yourself a mortgage quote or an approximation of how much you would be paying monthly and you are well knowledgeable on the prevailing interest fees. Thirty-year mortgage fees differ from a fifteen-year mortgage fee or lower. Also, you've skim on loan regulations of the particular state you have in mind and the types of mortgage loans and you know your choices. Thus, I guess now you are prepared to look for a lender. Again, be self-assured. This is your future you are dealing with.

Coming Up With A Cheap Fancy Dress Party Outfit

Fancy dress parties are a blast, but they can also cause a lot of stress. Not only do you have to come up with a clever costume idea, but if you have to stick to a budget it's that much harder.

Costume ideas don't have to be expensive though, even if you're not an expert seamstress. The real trick with fancy dress is being creative and having a bit of a laugh with it. There's no need to break the bank on costly rented getups, just be clever.

Try going as a prominent celebrity or political figure. One clever fancy dresser donned a suit, a cowboy hat and a gas can. He was instantly transformed into George Bush. Or, you can take the easy way out and be as simple as possible; one funny lady wore all white with two yellow dots on her chest. She was a pair of eggs, easy side up of course.

If the party deadline is looming and your budget is tight, remember that the trick is to work with what's in your closet or cheaply available at your local thrift store. There's no need to be elaborate if you're also being original.

Another inexpensive way to spice up a fancy dress costume is makeup. Cheap and easy, the right makeup can take a carefully planned costume to the next level. Whether it's carefully applied zombie blood or an elaborate butterfly design, your costume will come alive for the price of a few tubes of face paint.

You can even make your own homemade face paint if you're ambitious. All it takes is 2 parts corn starch, 1 part cold cream, 1 part water and some food coloring and you've got easy-to-apply , non-toxic makeup. One of my favorite face paint costume ideas was the bald man who went as an eight-ball. He threw on a black turtleneck, slathered himself in black makeup and he was instantly recognizable. The whole costume took maybe ten minutes to throw together.

Fancy Dress parties aren't about who spent the most money or who has the best tailor, they're about having fun and showing off your originality and creative costume ideas to your friends. So, relax, put away the wallet, take a look around your own closet and you'll come up with something in no time. If anything beats a stunning costume, it's stunning costume that was cheap!

How to Make a Car Donation, Massachusetts

If you live in the state of Massachusetts and are looking to get rid of an unwanted car or vehicle, there are lots of places you can make a car donation Massachusetts. All you have to do is do a little bit of research and you will find a wide variety of charities that will be happy to take your car and send it to auction to help their cause.

When you want to make a car donation Massachusetts, finding the right charity can take some time. There are so many charities that could use a car donation Massachusetts and choosing the one you feel will do the most good can be difficult. You can make your car donation Massachusetts based on your own personal feelings or simply choose a charity that is well known to you.

If you are ready to make a car donation Massachusetts, you will only have to make a phone call and fill out some simple forms. The charity of your choice will do the rest. From hiring the towing company to pick up your car often right at your residence, to sending the car to auction and providing you with the proper paperwork for your taxes, they will take care of all the details.

This can be good news for many who have struggled with other ways to rid themselves of an old, unwanted car. Selling it to someone else often seems like a good idea, but once you get into all the details, it becomes almost like a job. To sell your car you have to place an ad and take all the phone calls that will come in regarding your car. Many times you will have to deal with some strange people. All this can be avoided by making a car donation Massachusetts.

You can feel good about helping your fellow man to better his life. You can choose a car donation Massachusetts charity that targets youth, disease, hunger, homelessness as well as a host of other worthy causes. Deciding to give your car donation Massachusetts is a great way to give back the blessings you have in your life.

Help Our Veterans and Make a Purple Heart Car Donation

The American public mistakenly believes that the federal government takes care of the men and women who have served their country in the armed forces. The federal government does do something, but not much, and often veterans of wars need extra help. There is an organization that is called Purple Heart car donation that has been dedicated to assisting veterans for more than 70 years.

A Purple Heart car donation is especially important in recent days as there are hundreds of war vets that are returning from fighting for the freedom of others and protecting America from terrorists, who need your help. There is not enough medical knowledge known about certain conditions of this new kind of war to treat those who have returned with traumatic brain injuries from the use of suicide bombs.

Purple Heart car donation can make research possible and help to affect changes in veteran�s hospitals and aid in providing those men and women who have fought for their country better medical care. With the recent reports of violations and horrendous conditions in many VA hospitals, this is more important than ever.

Those in charge of Purple Heart car donation are the Military Order of the Purple Heart. It is a charity that is chartered by Congress and is a nationwide organization that is made up of those who have been wounded in combat and received the medal of the Purple Heart.

Not only medical care and treatment is needed for those who have returned from active combat or are veterans of former wars. There are other programs and outreaches that target many of the special problems and needs that a veteran may have.

Your Purple Heart car donation will be a simple and easy process. You simply make a phone call, request a form or go online to fill it out, and Purple Heart car donation will do the rest. You present them with a clear title, and off your car goes, to help those who fought to keep your country safe so that your children can grow up in the land of the free.

Quality Legal proceedings and the Truck Accident Lawyers in Florida

Despite being too much cautious for the auto accident, the car accidents are still around the corner these days. Being involved in the car accidents or injuries people becomemesmerizedby the situation and ensure the proper proceeding on the case. With whom they should get in touch? For countering this tongue-tied situation of the life Florida Injury Lawyers are constant and uphold at their service.

When people involved in the personal injury, it would be treated as the real concern. Personal injuries happen with the motorcycle accidents, car accidents, truck accidents, boat accidents and slip and fall accidents. They often involve deadpan injury, permanent disability, and even death. The affected people bank on the financial compensation that they get from the individual being at fault to cover their medical treatments, replace permanently lost income, and compensate for their pain and suffering. Without a qualified, experienced personal injury attorney and trailer accident lawyers Florida, their chances of receiving fair compensation tumble.

Disconformity, strict liability, and intentional wrong are some of reasons for which the liability and damages in a personal injury lawsuit can be established and paid for. Even though great numbers of personal injury lawsuits are settled out of court, quite a few go to trial. Juries that review these cases are accountable for awarding the plaintiff with a monetary sum if they deem him or her entitled. Also, they come to a decision on the actual monetary sum that is to be paid out.

If the circumstances surrounding your accident make it clear that one person was clearly at fault, then make the way to the Florida Car Accident Attorneys. If, however, liability is not entirely clear or if there is shared fault, then fault is apportioned between the persons determined by the specifics of the law in the state on comparative or contributory negligence. When liability is shared in an auto accident, it is the insurer's turn to determine the relative percentages of fault of the parties involved.

Unique kind of personal injuries l like dog bite and the medical negligence and its reimbursement require the substantial and qualified Florida malpractice lawyer. The good legal professionla will have conversation with the client or that individual who has been crushed by the accident being at fault or not being at fault. Right after that the legal persons will listen to the incident and will collect the related information to make the right and solid legal representation to achieve the right amount of atonement for their respective clients. Through their proceeding phases they will keep you posted about the every aspect of the entire thing.

On which occasion to hire the service of the Personal injury lawyers clarify that they must return the call, respect the privacy, dedicated enough to make the things happen for you. Also certain that they must get the full settle after the case is won in regard to get the compensation.

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This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post. - Indie Music, Indie Films, Indie Lifestyle...Be Independent

Historically the independent music industry has been limited to mainly rock and rap music, with the number of independent rap and rock musicians increasing every year, it is interesting to note that the latest in rap and rock is usually from the indie music scene. The indie music industry was originally supposed to be a clear demarcation between major recording companies and the ‘rest of the music industry’. Traditionally, independent recording labels were run by two or three people that had either converted their garages or a room in their homes into a recording studio. However the lines have now blurred and indie record labels are now equally, if not more commercially oriented as their larger counterparts.
Usually an indie music group or indie artist has an important role to play in the development of an indie music company. Indie artists are usually a part of the indie recording company that produces their music; in fact most bands usually form their own recording labels to distribute and record music. The truth is, unlike major record companies that have already withstood the test of time, indie music companies are just getting ready to face the various trials and tribulations that await them. What is truly fascinating is that not all indie music labels actually shut down because of lack of funds; record labels like Sarah Records actually closed their operations because they felt they had achieved their mission of promoting independent music.
Often independent music labels are bought out by major record labels, once this happens indie record labels are by and large left to ‘do their own thing’ but they are definitely more commercial in their interests. Today the independent music industry is kept alive by DJs, rap musicians and upcoming rock bands. In fact the indie music equivalent of the US music industry is termed as “underground music” and is made up of DJs remixing popular tracks, and by upcoming rappers. A large number of popular rappers today have all released their music on the underground music scene, and it is not uncommon for rap artists to never release music they released on the underground music scene for commercial or large scale purposes. The underground music scene was responsible for the development of punk rock, hip hop, hardcore rock and psychedelic music. Today the underground music scene is by and large restricted to rap music and other experimental music. Another result of indie music development is Reggaeton music.
What the next big music development or new genre of music will be, no one knows. But like most major record labels today, it is prudent to keep a close eye on the indie music scene. There are plenty of stories of independent artists and independent recording companies making it big. It is only a matter of time before another popular artist makes it to main stream commercial music from the indie music scene. In fact it is only a matter of time before a new genre of music comes from indie music. What will indie music produce next? Everyone is watching.

Single Muslim Women - Equal To Men Yet Different.

Whether it be single muslim women or men the Koran is addressed to all the muslims and it says that the male and female 'were created of the single soul '.The women's right as per the islam religion are the right to obtain education, to work and earn, to own independent property, equality of rewards for equal work, to express the opinion and to be heard, to refuse marriage that does not please her and so on and so forth.

Women's dress as per the Islamic culture is based on the principle of female modesty, purity and chastity. Some of them wear a modest dress which includes loose clothing and a scarf over the head and under the chin, and some wear a burkah which is a complete covering from head, face down to the toes.

Muslim women have played a vital role in the Muslim community. Early muslim women served the community through scholarships, teaching, nursing and other important activities. In Islam there is absolutely no difference between the men and the women as far as the relationship to Allah is concerned, as both are rewarded in the same way for good conduct and punished in the same way for bad conduct.

Single Muslim women have certain restrictions in the society. They cannot expose their beauty; they should not go to public baths and swimming pools during the common hours where men also come. They must lower their eyes and not see men with bad intentions. They should be careful in the dance halls and gymnasiums and they should be allowed to go to the mosque if they desire so.

The only Muslim country which forces the women to wear hijab is Iran. In other countries, the women are given a choice about the hijab depending upon the degree of faith they have in the reading of the religious texts. The hijab should be worn only when she goes out of her family home. A Muslim female is required to dress in a particular way when she goes in the public. A Kashmiri Muslim woman wears a loose pheran up to knee length. They also wear bunches of ear rings, the weight of it will be supported by a thick silver chain. On the whole, the women's modest dress protects the society from adultery and other illegal sexual relations that lead to the break up of families and corruption of the society.

Muslim men and women must lower their gazes. They should not mix with each other. There is no dating, dancing, or mixed social gatherings in Islam. To help the men and women to find their best life partner without dating in person, there are many dating agencies and online agencies which help them to come across prospective partners sitting at home.

Does social anxiety lead to depression?

A defined number of people sometimes experience having a hard time in trying to interact with others. Shyness, isolation, and lack of interest prevent people from having good interaction with others. This is felt by certain individuals and gets to a certain point that is constantly just hard to manage. There are people suffering from a specific type of anxiety. Since anxiety is associated with fear and worry, social anxiety may also have the same characteristics or symptoms. People who are dealing with social anxiety feels that everyone around them is watching their every move, staring at them and whatever they might be doing, and even judging them (even if it is not really true). Socially anxious individuals cannot seem to relax and enjoy themselves while they are in public. These people think that other people are trying to evaluate them in some sort of way, being critical in what they do or say. People dealing with social anxiety feels the self consciousness and the idea of critical judgment while they are in other people's presence. It is considered hardly possible to just relax, focus, and go with the flow when one feels the anxiety and fear at the same time. Individuals dealing with this type of anxiety would probably like to be left alone. They seem to be more comfortable with doors closed behind them. Social anxiety is like paranoia, feeling that other people are observing them, criticizing them, judging them always in a negative way. Authority figures are believed to be the worst type of people that socially anxious individuals can encounter. Supervisors and bosses from their work, and also those who seem “better” then them can make them feel a higher sense of anxiety, fear, and worry.

It is a known fact that not all people are aware of this specific type of anxiety disorder. Some people get diagnosed as having schizophrenia, manic depression, panic disorders, personality disorders, or even clinical depression. All these are just misdiagnoses that may be more damaging to the person with social anxiety. Considering this situation, not all people with social anxiety knows that they have such a disorder, since this type of disorder is not generally discussed in the media. Therefore, they just tend to keep it to themselves, thinking that they are the only ones dealing with this kind of anxiety. Due to this, socially anxious people tend to feel the surge of depression. They do not talk to other people regarding their problems, their feelings and emotions. Everything seems to be negative in some ways, and all their thoughts are regarded as irrational. Social anxiety is serious if not treated as soon as possible. Proper therapy and consultation should be provided to those who are suffering from this kind of anxiety. It is better to get help from therapy professionals in order to avoid an increase in this form of anxiety, since this would worsen as time goes by. Family members can be of big help too, seeing that their loved one is suffering from such an ordeal. Proper communication is key, and social anxiety could be treated in due time.


A memorial is defined as “an object that serves as a memory of a dead person or persons”. A memorial can be anything from the epitaph on a gravestone, to a statue. Memorials the world over will vary depending on culture. For example, Mexican people celebrate a “day of the dead” in memory of dead ancestors -- similar rituals are observed all over the world. A memorial service is the most popular way for people to pay homage to dead loved ones. A few forms of memorials are described below:

Gravestones have been used to celebrate and remember the life of dead people for centuries. Often, profound and moving lines of verse are inscribed on gravestones, which “summarise” the dead person’s life. This inscription is referred to as an epitaph.

Famous personalities the world over have statues dedicated to their memory. A good example of a statue as a memorial is Rudulph Evans' statue of Thomas Jefferson at Jefferson Memorial. In fact, it is not uncommon for famous personalities to have more than one statue dedicated as a memorial to them.

One of the most famous and historical memorials in the world is the Great Pyramid of Giza. Completed in 2570 BC, the Great Pyramid of Giza is the final resting place and memorial to Egyptian Pharaoh Khufu. Another popular memorial is that of Mumtaz Mahal, popularly known as the Taj Mahal.

Donations, Trusts and Scholarships
Not everyone can afford to spend millions of dollars in constructing a monument. It is not uncommon for people to donate money to a local church or charity in memory of a close friend or family member. In addition, people may also start charitable trusts as memorials to dead loved ones. Schools usually name scholarships after dead students, professors, or benefactors, so these scholarships too are a way for schools to pay homage to the dead.

Obituaries and online memorials
Obituaries are perhaps the oldest form of print media based memorials. Obituaries have been appearing in newspapers for nearly 150 years now. Although obituaries are still a commonly used form of memorial, the latest form of memorial is an online memorial published via the Internet. Online memorials are replacing print media obituaries, becoming one of the leading ways to create a memorial. In fact, thousands of people have started dedicating websites or web pages in memory of dead loved ones.
Online memorials are a relatively new concept but are catching on because people find it much simpler to pay homage to loved ones online. The impact that the internet has had on the world is undeniable, and just like print media, the internet acts as another medium for people to pay their last respects to loved ones. Online memorials are similar to real memorials; people can dedicate flowers, light a candle and dedicate a song in memory of their loved ones. Unlike a print obituary, people can actually view who has visited the memorial and paid their respects to the dearly departed. Therefore, it is only a matter of time before online memorials fully overtake newspaper obituaries, replacing existing print media memorials (mainly obituaries) completely.
Resource Box
For more information on online memorials visit

How To Steer Clear of Lemons

Many calls to a personal injury attorney’s office are from used car buyers who have found that the vehicles they have purchased were lemons. Let me tell you about one of our clients who bought a used vehicle from a used car lot. It seemed like a great deal on a car that looked perfect and had low mileage. But looks can be deceiving! He later found a rental receipt behind one of the seats while cleaning. This receipt showed that his "great deal" was actually a rental vehicle. And to make matters worse, the odometer had been set back 30,000 miles! Reversing a vehicle transaction is not for the faint of heart, nor is it easy.

There are many ways that you can protect yourself as a consumer. You are considerably safer purchasing a used vehicle from a reputable dealer. Your chances at getting good customer service will be better when you buy from an established dealer, even if it costs a bit more. You increase your chance of buying a lemon, as the size of the seller decreases. This means that when you purchase from a private party, you have a very good chance of being taken.

You should request repair records for a used car, and consider buying a warranty. You must ask the dealer to put in writing, that the car was not used for daily rental, was not involved in any kind of major accidents, and was not a salvage titled car. If the dealer refuses, this may be a vehicle and dealer to avoid. A dealer should be sensitive to your worries regarding a used car purchase. Make sure that an outside mechanic looks over the car before you purchase it.

From both a financial and safety perspective, purchasing a vehicle from a private party is the most dangerous method of buying a car. Always get your vehicle checked out by a mechanic and a body shop. Make certain that you get records of all repairs. Never go alone to look and drive the vehicle. It's good to have an additional voice of reason on your side, so take a friend! Make sure to run a check at, to ensure the seller has proper title. Ask for a 30-day warranty from the owner.

(They probably won’t, but might if the vehicle has been up for sale for an extended period.) Visit a dealership you can trust, when purchasing a new vehicle. State up front that you're just looking, and never buy the car that same day. Mull it over for a while. Salespersons rarely have a "one of a kind" vehicle. So, take this statement with a grain of salt. There's no cooling off period for cars; they are not appliances! Once you drive it off the lot, it belongs to you!

It's important to understand the complexities of leasing a car. Always get the salesperson to explain, in detail, everything about the vehicle and the lease. Ensure that all warranties are in effect if you buy a dealer loaner, dealer demo, or "slightly" used car, and take the same precautions as with other used vehicles.

Following your instincts is important. Never feel pressured to buy a particular car, especially if the deal doesn't feel right. Step back and walk away. There's always another dealership, but only one of you. You have the advantage!

It is rewarding and simple to be an intelligent informed consumer.

Drive your new car with calmness and comfort by following some simple rules.

Why Would You Have Recourse To A "Used Car Donation Service"?

I had always believed that there are only two basic ways to sell a car: selling it myself or going to a dealer. Well there exists another solution: �used car donation service.� Let us see why the last solution is most probably the best one�

Those institutions will first arrange a rendezvous before picking up your motor vehicle. They will not only pick any motor vehicle (vans, cars, trucks, SUVs, boats�) but they will also accept the vehicle whatever be its condition. Most of them will even pickup your vehicle for free.

Time is money. Donating it to a used car donation service will make you spare time. How? Well you will not have to answer phone calls and meet people the whole day to show your car to. Moreover, you don�t have to worry about mechanics and advertising.

Moreover, those companies are often associated with the major charitable organizations.

Without entering into the morality or religious debates, I am sure that you would not hesitate to help make a difference in the needy children lives. Well, those used car donation services will help make a change.

Used car donation services will basically resell your vehicle at a higher price. They might even repair, repaint and recondition the vehicle to obtain a higher price. This would allow the charity institutions to get even more money.

The best advantage that you will get is tax deductions. The used car donation service will take care of the paperwork. Once your vehicle is sold, they will send some receipts while taking into account the present laws. All you have to do is remember to account for this deduction and to file this receipt.

Before choosing a used car donation service, I would advice that you do search which charity institutions it is working with. This would ensure that your actions really benefited the needy ones. Also do some research on the used car donation service itself to see if it is an eligible organization. It is only then that you can deduct your donation from your taxes.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

JR SEOContest2008 is as support site for the official entry in the UK's SEOContest2008.

JR SEOContest2008 is as support site for the official entry in the UK's SEOContest2008.

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Sunday, February 17, 2008

Five Quick Tips For Getting Your Blog On The First Page Of Google

It is so easy to make money with a blog. Whether the purpose of your blog is to get traffic to your sales page or to sell affiliate products or to get Adsense clicks, getting your blog onto the first page of Google can be done quickly and easily.

Using the following quick tips you could get listed on the first page of Google for some keywords within a month or two, depending on how competitive your niche is. A video game site that followed these tips got on the first page of Google, in the fifth spot, for a popular search term when the site was less than one month old.

Here are the five quick tips for getting to the first page of Google:

1. Put some original content on your blog. Post at least once a day but not more than every two to three hours. It doesn't look good if you are posting every few minutes. Continue adding new content regularly. Some of the content can be duplicate content (from an article directory or private label rights articles) but the more original content the better.

2. When you have at least five posts with original content then submit your blog to Google's sitemap. It's not hard, and it only takes a few minutes. As long as you have a blog that looks authentic and is not filled with scraped content, this is a good start to getting noticed by Google.

3. Write some original articles and submit them to article directories such as EzineArticles, GoArticles, ArticleAlley, and SearchWarp. Do not submit more than one a day since it is better to not inundate the article directories or they might think you are spamming them. It is very important to have a good resource box with links back to your site.

4. Submit your RSS feed to at least fifty sites. This can be done in less than a couple of minutes using RSS Submit (RSSFeedsSubmit), a great piece of software that automatically submits your feed to more than fifty sites. The price is very reasonable (less than $50) but if you don't want to spend any money and would rather do it by hand, Robin Good sells a list of 55 RSS submission sites for a very small fee.

5. Get your URL link listed in as many places as possible. Submit your site to directories like DMOZ. Answer questions at and include your URL with your signature. Leave comments on blogs that are in a related niche to yours, again including your URL in the signature. Do a search with the phrase "keyword add url" and add your URL at sites that allow you to do it for free. "Keyword" would be replaced by one of your keywords for your niche. Submit your blog to Technorati. Submit your original posts to social bookmarking sites like Digg, Netscape, Redit, Plugim, and so on. Be sure to tell friends to vote for your submissions at the social bookmarking sites.

These five quick tips will give your blog a powerful boost and get your blog on the first page of Google in a very short time. Within days you should be getting traffic from Google as you rise in the search engines. And you did it with spending little or no money.


Mizunoz | Nikez | Adidaz | Skecherz | Pumaz | Calvein Kleinz | Moschinoz | Naturalizerz | D K N Y Z | Coclicoz | Onexz | Via Spigaz | Weebok Kidsz | Yellow boxz | Emericaz | Umi Kidsz | Miss Sixtyz | Ecco Golfz | Olukaiz | Tommy Bahamaz | Converse Kidsz | Kaylandz | Jumping Jacksz | Tatamiz | Daniel Greenz | Nine Westz | Fratelliz | Dickiesz | Fly Flotz | Gravatiz

Earning Money With A Blog

The way to earn serious cash or top dollar from any Adsense blog is to have plenty of useful content spread out over numerous pages.

Content is what will attract and maintain high traffic figures at your blog. The problem with many blogs that aspire to reach the top ranks is that they do not have enough content. It is very important that the content is original if the content is not original it and duplicated it will go into the supplemental search results. . Different blog publishers have different types of content and objectives, just like e-zine publishers do. Once you have a blog, you want to expose it to the right audience. A good way to do this is by making comments on other people's blogs whose content is related to your content.

Here is one blog secret that can make a huge difference, no matter how low the current traffic to your blog site is. Everyone is talking about content to attract search engine robots and human internet users, but just having content is not enough you need relevant unique content that can possibly help or inform a internet user, by doing this internet users will recommend the site to others.

Tags are actually another name for keywords. Nearly all Internet users understand that keywords are the words that the surfers type into search engines to find what they're searching for on the Internet. The way the Adsense program is, certain keywords will attract better paying per click rates than others. Secondly using popular keywords will also attract lots of traffic to your blog via search engines. Creating back links with your researched keywords can result in much higher search engine rankings.

Make sure that all links are working properly; visitors tend to look and click on links to get more information on a subject. Because blogs are generally updated more frequently than a website, it can help you to build a relationship with your customers and visitors. Visitors will come to your blog of their free will to read your newest content of choice, giving you a higher ratio of targeted visits. Another simpler and less expensive way to do and the way that I recommend is to write the content yourself. One of the best way to promote and market your blog is to get others to link to it.

Using keywords and keyword phrases on you blogs helps increase your earnings by targeting the adsense ads to those specific keywords, so it doesn't matter if there is low traffic or high traffic if you don't have each page optimized it the ads will not generate the kind of money you are looking for. Another way to capitalize on your blog traffic is to offer the readers more than just advertising-offer them solutions.

The secret to earning good money is displaying high paying keywords on your site which will in return lead to high payouts per click on your site. The bots will read the the theme of your pages and serve you with ads that match the contents of your page.


Mizunoz | Nikez | Adidaz | Skecherz | Pumaz | Calvein Kleinz | Moschinoz | Naturalizerz | D K N Y Z | Coclicoz | Onexz | Via Spigaz | Weebok Kidsz | Yellow boxz | Emericaz | Umi Kidsz | Miss Sixtyz | Ecco Golfz | Olukaiz | Tommy Bahamaz | Converse Kidsz | Kaylandz | Jumping Jacksz | Tatamiz | Daniel Greenz | Nine Westz | Fratelliz | Dickiesz | Fly Flotz | Gravatiz

Engine Optimization Professional Search Services

Michigan Seo Company:
Well life is really about moving from one problem to another. The Dollars and Cents of SEO: Perhaps the most compelling reason not to exclude SEO from your online marketing strategy comes down to dollars and cents. In an attempt to quantify the business case for SEO I have gone back and done some analysis on three recent SEO engagements and the results they achieved. I chose ecommerce clients that we had optimized and reviewed their average sales before and after SEO was implemented. In two of the situations the only change made was the optimization of the site. In another the optimization occurred at the same time we implemented a PPC campaign. In the first two cases the store sales rose 64% and 75% after the SEO was implemented. In the third case the store revenue actually went up a staggering 169%, but if you back out the sales that were a result of the PPC campaign, the store revenue that could be attributed to SEO improved by 49%. In other words, the average improvement in store revenue that was apparently due to SEO was 62%. There are many techniques hereby starting a home based internet business can become a pleasure to conduct

As Web Site Design And Search Engine Optimization:
So how to go about it? Are there any softwares available to do the SEO? Yes! there are several SEO softwares available in the market. If you have great content and decent SEO techniques, you're webs site should do pretty well in the search engines. If you have SEO stuffed pages full of garbage keyword phrases, sooner or later, you're gonna pay the price. There are too many billions of dollars at stake for cheap tricks to raise search engine rankings for long. Combine great content with great SEO instincts and bang... you're website traffic will skyrocket. Here are some common tips, you may have heard, but are worth repeating. Website Design - SEO Strategy So while planning for search engine copywriting you need to take care of the density of keyword usage in contents. promotion software search engine strategy seo

Web Site Promotion Search Engine Optimization:
Add to that the fact that even Google can take up to 8 weeks to locate any particular link means that a properly conducted SEO campaign should be expected to take place over a six-month period to ensure proper results. Links are important and maintaining good incoming links with your keywords will get you good rankings. seo search engine submission service web site optimization There are many theories of how search engines and search engine optimization (SEO) initially began

Web Design Search Engine Optimization
Other SEO guidelines prohibit offering different content to search engines than your visitors. The Benefits of SEO Training: The primary advantage of SEO Training is that it gives you access the SEO techniques you can apply yourself to achieve for a fraction of the cost of using an SEO consultant. As such SEO Training is an effective and affordable way to achieve high search engine rankings. SEO Training helps small businesses learn basic SEO skills to enhance the visibility of their websites in the search engines. There are a number of benefits offered by SEO Training. SEO training provides your company and its staff with an understanding of the issues involved with, and the techniques required for, successful SEO. This means that SEO training will allow you and your company to optimize your website internally rather than paying a consultant to do it for you. promotion software search engine strategy seo There are many techniques hereby starting a home based internet business can become a pleasure to conduct.


Mizunoz | Nikez | Adidaz | Skecherz | Pumaz | Calvein Kleinz | Moschinoz | Naturalizerz | D K N Y Z | Coclicoz | Onexz | Via Spigaz | Weebok Kidsz | Yellow boxz | Emericaz | Umi Kidsz | Miss Sixtyz | Ecco Golfz | Olukaiz | Tommy Bahamaz | Converse Kidsz | Kaylandz | Jumping Jacksz | Tatamiz | Daniel Greenz | Nine Westz | Fratelliz | Dickiesz | Fly Flotz | Gravatiz

PRIDE and HONOR on the SEOContest2008

It is nearly 3:00 in the morning and my eye lids slowly close down little by little but I am still trying to fight it just to make my blog a competitive like the other blogs which were also registered in the UK’s recently launched Search Engine Optimization Contest or more popularly known as SEOContest2008.

Well, honestly, this is my first time to join the contest. I have been observing my friends, Gio and Philip joining different contest in the country and also watch them receive their awards winning home as champions. I am also aiming for that and I am still optimistic that I will be learning something in this SEOContest2008.

But, perhaps some may ask what will be the prize when someone wins the competition. For me, the best answer I could give is that, in this SEOContest2008, it is not actually the money which is important. What matter most is the experience and learning you will get upon participating on the aforementioned activity. This will give us (we the contestants), a chance to broaden our ideas and widen our imaginations by trying to figure out on how to optimize our website using the keyword given. At the same time, PRIDE and HONOR is priceless. That would probably be the main goal of every participants like me to have.

I know that there are tough competitors who already have their experiences but I will still stick on my belief, that nothing is impossible as long as you believe that you can do it. Anyway, to us believers and achievers, impossible is not part in our dictionary list.

So, to my fellow participants, I wish you all good luck and see you around. Make your best on the SEOContest2008.

SEOContest2008 Unfinished Post for JR SEOContest2008 Blog

It was a tiring day for me yesterday. I spent all day and all night long writing articles for my websites and it took my time and still not able to finish all my pending jobs. My eyes almost blurted due to the 18 hours exposure from the computer screen. It was really a productive and strenuous day yesterday.

I was supposed to write a post in my JRSEOContest2008 blog which I used as my entry in the UK’s SEOContest2008. I was not able to do that anymore because I could hardly open my eyes last night, which was about 3:45 in the morning. This is my first time to join a contest like this but I find it challenging and interesting.

This morning, I check the rankings in Google if my blog is already listed in the pages if I type in the keyword SEOContest2008. I am very glad to see that after a day, I am already part of the list. Yes, it is really good to see beating up other participants just after few hours of preparation. This SEOContest2008 is really giving me a bump and I am really challenge on how will do about my skills in terms of search engine optimization.

Again, good luck to each of the participants on the SEOContest2008.