When you order a fake ID, there is a lot of information you need to include to make it realistic. First, and most important, is the picture. What you do exactly will depend on what your goals are with the fake ID. If you want a realistic ID with a picture of you, then you should look at other real IDs that have been issued in your area. Look at the picture, paying attention to the lighting and the background.
Try to emulate this as best you can, and get a high quality picture with your digital camera. You can then upload it to the fake ID web site, and have that picture printed on the ID. You should definitely pay a lot of attention to this, since if it is too bright or looks wrong in any way, the ID will not be very convincing.
You'll have the option of which region's ID type you want. All states have different layouts and designs on the IDs, which makes it harder for people who want to use fake IDs for mischievous purposes. Again, you should find a legitimate ID from your state, and observe the pattern. Then, look your state up on whatever site you are on, and you should see an example. Make sure that it matches up with the ID that you have, just in case the layout has changed recently. There might be other security features offered by the web site, such as holograms. These lend more credibility to the fake ID that you receive.
Next you have to enter all of the information you want to show up as text on the ID. This includes the ID Number, which you could take from a previously assigned official ID, if that is legal in your area. Other information includes your name, your address, your date of birth, and your physical features. If you want people to believe that your name is something different, then this is where you enter it to show up on your fake ID. If you want people to think you are older, the same applies. It is VERY important that you comply with all laws when modifying your age on your ID. This is where most people get into troubles with fake Ids. You can set any of the fields to whatever you want, depending on your objective with the fake ID.
Fake IDs are good fun, as long as you use them responsibly. Make sure to never imply that your ID is representative of, or issued by, the government. As long as you follow the laws, you should keep out of trouble.
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